Who are we ?

L’Autre Ferme is a farm animals sanctuary. It welcomes animals rescued from industrial farming and slaughter houses. It develops a global approach: protection of wildlife and reforestation, local cooperation, food autonomy, etc. It welcomes artists in residence and offers the possibility of staying there and discovering plant-based cuisine in a relaxing and joyful setting.

Non-profit association

The association was created in February 2019 and opened in May 2020 on an area of 12 hectares.

The heart of its mission is to help animals rescued from breeding, most often industrial. Coming from seizures, reforms or abandonments, they find here a place in which everything is designed for their individual development. All without harming wildlife: we are replanting hundreds of meters of rural hedges to recreate traffic corridors from one wood to another. Wildlife finds both shelter and a source of food there. It is protected from hunting there. 

Because our vocation is to share a respectful and joyful lifestyle, we welcome guests in our 3 rooms and offer a vegan table d’hôte. The revenues were entirely dedicated to financing the shelter which does not receive any subsidies. 

We welcome artists in creative residence, most often writing or illustration. It is a rare opportunity to be able to observe the daily life of a place dedicated to nature protection and to meet the local public.

By opening our doors, we intend to fight against the absurd prejudices which still too often ridicule people engaged in an approach that respects nature as a whole and for what it is, without seeking to profit from it. 

Board of directors

It brings together people driven by the desire to see progress in the issues raised by the association. Some are vegan and others are not. It seems essential to us to maintain an open and sincere dialogue without entering into divisive relationships. If we demand to respect vegan ethics at L’Autre Ferme, we refuse to pass judgment on who has not (yet) adopted a radical change.

Valérie Malet, president of the association

Valérie is an art binder. Sensitive to the need to review our lifestyles for a fair and caring world, she has chaired the association since its creation. Her commitment is all the more notable as she is very impressed by the animals. Her regular stays at L’Autre Ferme help her progress!

Alain Anglaret

Alain was administrative and financial director of the Grand T, a Nantes theater. Today he is a contemporary circus artist and vice-president of the House of Poetry in Nantes. At the Grand T, he led, together with the director, the arrival of ecological thinking in the life of the theater. He comes to the farm frequently to take care of the day-to-day operations and to share with us his talents as a great handyman.

Pauline Chabas

Pauline is an animated film artist, she entered the life of L’Autre Ferme as a volunteer. Conscientious and concerned, she quickly took an important place in the life of the shelter. She is also one of our photographers and videographers! Pauline regularly runs the farm routine with her companion and their cat Tobi who leaves his countless toys lying around everywhere.

Arthur Higelin

Arthur is a musician, singer, author, actor… he has supported L’Autre Ferme since its creation, happy that this dream has become a reality. In addition to virtuoso clearing of fences to prepare the shelter for the arrival of the animals, he never misses an opportunity to talk about us. An unfairly overlooked aspect of his talents, he makes one of the best hummus in the world.

Anne-Lorraine en formation

Anne-Lorraine Vigouroux

Anne-Lorraine was production director at the theater. Vegetarian then vegan by ethical conviction, she was at the origin of the creation of the association while she was still cultural attaché in Serbia. She develops a perfectly useless talent: falling and hurting herself with a disconcerting regularity which does not dampen her enthusiasm.



Ali graduated from the veterinary school in Budapest, Hungary. Very involved in animal protection, she worked in a shelter for dogs and cats in Burgundy. She specializes in different practices such as animal herbal medicine. She is our referent for care protocols and regularly comes to take over at the shelter.


France Fayet, secretary of the association

France has been a long-time animal protection activist and is fully committed to many other associations. She was elected from her commune in the Paris region where she worked in particular on animal issues and ecology.

Edouard Bourré-Guilbert

Edouard works at the Scopéli cooperative store in Nantes. He is also a comic book writer (Québec Land , published by Sarbacane and  A vos râteaux published by Steinkis) with Pauline Bardin. He has a passion for waste reduction and management. It is our exclusive reference for compost.

Pauline Bardin

Pauline is an administrator in live entertainment and a comic book writer ( Québec Land , published by Sarbacane and  A vos râteaux  published by Steinkis). She is interested in ecological issues, aware that change comes through each of us.

Our Civic Service volunteers

Tiska, carried out a very in-depth diagnosis of our pond and its ecosystem. She recorded the animal and plant species that inhabit it in order to take appropriate protection measures.

Camille focused on welcoming the public, particularly young people and adults with disabilities. We hired her after her civic service so that she could perfect her skills in her dream job: the shelter. And because we can no longer do without her!

Since then, many other wonderful volunteers joined us. 

To become the next Civic Service volunteer at L’Autre Ferme, submit your application here!

Sanctuary volunteers

All of them are or was regular volunteers, perfectly trained. We are grateful to Iris, Alain, Pauline, Julien, Emilie, Alexian, Louis, Stéphanie, Elodie, Chloé, Marion, Elisa… 

We do organize week end of construction or special work for the sanctuary. If you want to volunteer with us, send us an email, introduce yourself and tell us what are you best or favorite skills. We will contact you. 

Our balanced budget

The management of the association is disinterested. Board members are volunteers. Farm animal sanctuary do not receive any subsidies. On the other hand, they are called upon by the authorities to seize or abandon farm animals which are largely subsidized.

A partnership with Veepee allowed us to create an chicken coop, pipes to provide water in the meadows and a new enclosure for the rabbits. L214 helps us with work and emergencies. The OABA covers the Ouessant sheep herd for feed and veterinary costs. The Brigitte Bardot Foundation support us with a part of veterinarian costs…

We absolutely must have more support and membership to ensure a lasting balance. This will allow us to welcome more animals in distress.

A line from which we will not deviate: we do not take more animals than those for which we are certain we can cover the costs, whatever they may be. We are convinced that it is essential to have a professional approach to running the shelter. For this reason, Anne-Lorraine and Camille, who work with animals on a daily basis, are trained regularly: professional skills, internships in veterinary clinics or ethology, etc.